The Bad and The Good Ones

The important thing to restoration mangrove is the selection of good seeds. Titian and seven member of the community group (KTH Lestari Alam Indah) collecting propagule of Rhizophora sp. from three areas such as Muara Ulu Besar (Muara Jawa Sub-District), Sungai Merdeka and Tanjung Pemberung (Anggana District). Titian also push community groups to select the propagules. Choosing rejected propagule from the good ones. In this stage, mostly community already have a good knowledge on identifying the bad and the good ones of propagule. 

At the beginning, they choose to estimate the amount of rejected propagules, without making serious calculating. After they calculating the rejected propagule, they aware that not every propagule can be planted. With that knowledge, Titian and community group start collected propagule fall down under the big tree, and the second stage is by harvesting ripe propagules. By this way we can guarantee the survival rate of seedling will be high.

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